Sunday 4 December 2016

Video practice

Hello Grade 2 and Grade 3 Students,
Located below are the web links for the songs featured in our winter musical "The Big Chill".  The video links have been disabled at this time and so this is a good alternative. Each link connects directly with You tube and has the lyrics playing in video format. Enjoy singing along!
Musically Yours,
Mrs Martin

1) The Big Chill (Both Gr. 2 and Gr. 3 Students)

2) Seven Feet of  Snow (skip the coda; it gets a bit crazy!)

3) We're on the Right Track (newest song)

Gr. 3's sing the First Part: "We're not so different you and me..."
Gr. 2s sing the Second Part: "Look at you and me..."
Third time: Both grades sing their parts at the same time (called a partner song)
Coda: Sung together on the same notes.

4. Snow Day (Gr. 2 song only)

5. A Day at Home (Gr. 3 only)